Sunday 7 April 2013

Review on Catalog Heaven,

Hello, It's me, Happy here, again!

I am here to Review Catalog Heaven.

It is made by Seranok and has been visited over 15,832,727 times so that makes it a sucsessful game. It is currently on the front page of the Games page.

I personally like this game because you can do things you can't do in normal games.
That is try on the hats/gear/packages that you want to see if you want to buy them or just wear them for fun.

So, a place where you dress up and have fun with your friends.

Sometimes a bit laggy but the buildings are very good.
I really like this game

Overall, I rate it:

Texture of building's: 8/10

Fun game: 9/10

Enjoyable: 10/10

Useful: 10/10

Overall, This is rated 10/10.

Thankyou For Reading,


Saturday 6 April 2013

Review on Clockwork HeadPhones.

Hello everyone, Happy here.

Today i'm reviewing a Limited U.

Clockwork HeadPhones. They are one of the most expensive Headphones in the whole of Robloxia. At the moment, 60 people are selling it making a rare hat. 11,650 People have favourited this. RAP Currently is: R$ 25,861.

This hat can go with any outfit .

The mesh is good and it fits with your head. But, it's a bit plain, they should bring out one with colours.

Overall, This is what I say.

I really like the texture of it.
Texture: 9/10

The Mesh is great, Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.
Mesh: 10/10

Overall, I say that I would rate this 9/10.

Thanks for Reading,


Friday 5 April 2013

PT-ST4 Mobile armor - Review

Hi all bat here.
Today ill be reviewing PT-ST4 Mobile Armour.

PT-ST4 is a amazing Package where you have 1 antenna on the head and two on your back it also has alot of writing around it to make it look like future cop Armour or something close to that. I love this package and it is the best one I have seen yet it comes with a amazing helmet which kind of looks like a motorcycle helmet mixed with a Robo-Cop helmet. Here is a picture I put together without the helmet on.

I indeed love the metal texture with the red stripes.
So the mark for the Texture I give will be a:



The Mesh makes you look all buff but at the same time it makes you look like a robot.
The mark I give for Mesh will be:



This is a Very well done Package done by Roblox and has alot of detail which shows alot of hard work put into it. The Overall Mark is:


Thank you for reading.
Bat out.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Perfectly Legitimate Fedora [REVIEW BY CANNON365/OWENRULES12]

Hello ROBLOXians, cannon365 and owenrules12 here, and today we are going to review the hat Perfectly Legitimate Fedora.
The main reason why we selected this hat is because myself and owen both agreed that we didn't like this hat very much.
We will give a bit of information of the hat before we start giving reviews and rates about the hat.

The Perfectly Legitimate Fedora is a hat created in the year 2009. It was a rare hat like Pinstripe Fedora, the only difference between both was the fact that the Perfectly Legitimate has a white band going right around it. The hat was rare until it was changed to be a limited in 2012. The problem is, now that 2013 ROBLOX users can get it easily, it is no longer rare and the texture and mesh is still hideous. The hat is the 31'st most favourite hat on ROBLOX, with about 4, 000 less favourites than the Classic Fedora.

Happy8796's Biography.

Hello Everyone, I am Happy8796. You might of seen me around Roblox, Probably on games or helping my main group, The Vox Empire. I am currently 3IC of it. OwenRules12 owns it and he's a great leader. I am friends with Bat2011, That is how I became a Reviewer. I like people using proper grammar in Blog and on ROBLOX. I will be writing Reviews every day or every 2 days.

Thanks for reading


Classic Fedora [REVIEW]

Hello Robloxians
Today I'll be Doing a review on The Classic Fedora.

Classic Fedora:

The Classic Fedora is the 23rd Most Favoured Hat on Roblox it sold for 900 and became limited at 10, 094 sales and is now selling for 23, 500 Robux +, so its really dear for a non-rare hat. Because Rare Hats only have like 100 sales. This hat is one of many but instead of having a texture they just made it Plain Black unlike fedoras such as "azure pinstripe fedora" which is blue. There is one thing about this Fedora I do not like and it has happened to such fedoras as All Sparkle time fedora's and Bluesteel Fedora. Here's a picture I took while on game with classic fedora.

That curve there is horrible for when you are playing some people may like it but I obviously don't.
And I have no idea how to get rid of it with another hat since barely any other hats cover that part of the back.

 The Texture is quite lame and boring since its only one colour and I think they could improve that, The mark I give for Classic fedora Texture is:
The Mesh is brilliant at the front of the Classic Fedora but the only problem was the part I showed you at the back. I give the Classic Fedora Mesh Mark a:
Overall the mark would be :
Thank you for reading.



Hi bat2011 here and today ill be doing a place review of Peerpants AdvancePBS

First Id like to talk about PeerPants


PeerPants is the Nicest, Responsible, Trusted guy I know you may know him from him being ex-owner of The Vox Empire or From his Games being on the front page of Roblox Games/Personal Servers. You also may know PeerPants as PickaxeKing/Voxhall's Cousin. Peerpants is currently working on his own blog:
and is a writer at Arbirators News (Kinda same as us).

Now lets talk about AdvancePBS.


AdvancePBS Is a advanced amazing Illusion game it has illusions inside out and you can only see the illusion if you zoom out and view it from angles. AdvancePBS was made by alot of users including PeerPants and Myself. When I was Last on AdvancePBS People were Flying down the illusion on boats they built with seats on top and to tell you the truth that was really fun.

Here is a video i put made while i was there:

The Overall I give for this is:


Detail: 9/10
Progress: 10/10
Fun: 9/10

Thank you for reading.
