Wednesday 3 April 2013

Quick Biography [Owenrules12]

Hello, I'm owenrules12 as most of you will already know. I am well known in clans on ROBLOX. The main clans I have been known in are; RAT, FEAR, Sphinx Union (Leader), and last, The Vox Empire.

I am a new writer for Ultimate Roblox Reviews. I am a former writer for KNC Roblox News which is owned by 1key2. The main thing I want to do for Ultimate Roblox Reviews is bring you great reviews and give the site great activity. I have owned a couple of blogs myself and before shutting them down to go and work for more successful blogs, I have accomplished over 90 views on each blog. My main target on Ultimate Roblox Reviews is to get over 200 viewers. A thousand viewers on this blog is the actual main target, but you know, you only live once.

I'm strongly against slang post in blogs and believe every review or interview should be detailed with an overall score and roughly over 500 words. But biographies should be shortened to around 200 in my mind, and that is what I have done here.

Hope you all read this blog and enjoy as much as us writers do writing reviews and interviews.

Thank-you for reading,

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