Sunday 7 April 2013

Review on Catalog Heaven,

Hello, It's me, Happy here, again!

I am here to Review Catalog Heaven.

It is made by Seranok and has been visited over 15,832,727 times so that makes it a sucsessful game. It is currently on the front page of the Games page.

I personally like this game because you can do things you can't do in normal games.
That is try on the hats/gear/packages that you want to see if you want to buy them or just wear them for fun.

So, a place where you dress up and have fun with your friends.

Sometimes a bit laggy but the buildings are very good.
I really like this game

Overall, I rate it:

Texture of building's: 8/10

Fun game: 9/10

Enjoyable: 10/10

Useful: 10/10

Overall, This is rated 10/10.

Thankyou For Reading,


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